clock with veggies-how to begin intermittient fasting blog

I know you’ve already heard so much about intermittent fasting. It’s all the rage right now for anyone wanting to lose weight. I’ve been dabbling in it for the last year or so but not to lose weight. I do it for all the other health benefits. We’ll talk about all that in this article as well as how to begin intermittent fasting so you can set yourself up for success.

First let’s talk about what exactly intermittent fasting is before we get too deep into this.

Grab your favourite sugar free/carb free/ fat free beverage (haha) and let’s go!

What is intermittent fasting?

There are already a million trillion websites on the internet as well as YouTube videos explaining what intermittent fasting is so I don’t really want to spend too much time going over this. What I will do is share a few links here to people you should listen to and/or follow for tons of awesome advice on intermittent fasting.

This is our YouTube channel Fasting Does the Body Good

Thomas DeLauer is a great guy to listen to but he talks fast and uses big words. Check him out here.

Dr. Berg is another awesome resource with a wealth of information. He’s easy to understand and follow. Check him out here.

So to put it very lightly and simple to understand, intermittent fasting is when you eat only during a certain window/time frame and you completely fast during the rest of the time. The most popular time frame/eating window is 16:8. I’ve tried that and it’s hard for me so I do 14:10 which is perfect for me.

Mind you, I don’t fast for weight loss. There are other reasons to do intermittent fasting. Let’s talk about that now.

So why fast?

When I tell people I do fasting they laugh. At 127 lbs at 5’4″ I’m not fat nor do I have excess weight to lose. I’m pretty fit and take good care of myself. So why fast then?

Fasting for me is for all the other health benefits. Here are just a few long term fasting benefits:

  • mental clarity
  • autophagy
  • clearer skin
  • more energy
  • regulates blood pressure
  • weight loss

I seriously could go on and on but you get the idea. One thing to keep in mind is that our bodies are miracle machines. They are magical and do amazing things.

Never underestimate the power of healing and your body. It will blow your mind.

How do I start fasting?

I know for many people this may seem borderline intimidating. To fast. And so many have the same question: how do I start fasting? I think the intermittent fasting tips and tricks I am going to share with you will really help you not only make up your mind to get started, but help you succeed when you do finally start.

Fasting isn’t for everyone but I believe (remember this is just my opinion and my two cents) that everyone should try it. We are constantly feeding our machines without giving them a proper chance to digest, process, heal, function or anything. Our bodies are fighting for us but we keep fighting harder against them.

Intermittent fasting allows our bodies the time it needs to process and heal.

How do I begin intermittent fasting?

I think these 5 intermittent fasting tips and tricks will help you better plan and prepare you for fasting. I’m no authority on the subject but I know what has worked and not worked for me. I do want you to succeed because I know you will feel amazing!

Here are my tips to help you begin your fasting journey.

Step 1 Prepare yourself mentally

You’ve decided that you are going to start intermittent fasting on this date. I would advise to set a date not too far in the future. Two weeks is plenty of time. Prepare yourself mentally, especially if you are a night time or all day nosher like I am. I had to psyche myself and remind myself, no food after 7 pm anymore Iva!

Step 2 Avoid the grocery store if you can

If your feeding window is from 11-5 or whatever, try to stay out of the grocery store before or after as you may be too tempted to buy a snack. Trust me on that one. You’ll find yourself saying “Oh one won’t hurt”. It will. Don’t do it.

don’t leave the house to go to the grocery store

Step 3 Make sure there are no treats in the house

Like all those night time snacks you like after dinner. Make sure your house is free and clear of them unless you have super powers discipline. Treats are tempting and can easily throw you off. Make sure your cupboards and fridge are prepared for this too.

Step 4 Remember your why

Don’t forget why you’re doing this. It’s easy to want to give up before you even get started. Thinking that ‘isn’t for you’ is an excuse and your mind playing tricks on you. Remember why you want to do this and focus on that and the result.

Step 5 Failure is ok

It’s important to not be hard on yourself. Failure is ok. You may not succeed the first time. Hunger may get the better of you and that’s ok. Try again another time. Don’t give up so soon.

What can I have while fasting?

This is a very common question among new fasters. What can I have while fasting? Here is a small list of what you can during your fast:

  • water
  • black coffee or tea
  • more water
  • more coffee or tea
  • suck on an ice cube
  • more water
  • bone broth
  • apple cider vinegar

Haha! See the theme here? It’s all just plain ole’ liquid. You can have bone broth but click on the link to read more about that first! Remember, you’re fasting. Fasting means abstaining from anything with calories, sugar, fats, etc. Fasting is giving your body a break so it can do its job. Repair you.

A few intermittent fasting hunger tips

You’re gonna get hungry and it ain’t gonna be pretty. Well, it wasn’t for me. Not in the beginning. I was a cranky toddler without her blankie, but 10 times worse.

So in order for you to not be like Iva here are a few intermittent fasting hunger tips.

  • drink more water/decaffeinated tea/water with salt
  • breathe through your hunger pains-they don’t last
  • take your mind off your hunger by doing something-go for a walk, drive, call a friend, clean the house, whatever
  • have a nap if you can depending on the time or just lay down and watch some tv.

Remember the hungry feeling is temporary and it will pass.

Summary of how to begin intermittent fasting

Here’s a small recap of how to begin intermittent fasting so that you can succeed but not beat yourself up if you don’t.

  • prepare
  • stay away from food shopping
  • clean out all night time treats
  • remember why you are doing this, and
  • don’t be afraid of failure

If you try it a few times and don’t succeed, don’t give up. You’re simply not ready for it yet. Reconsider it in a few months or a year or two even. Intermittent fasting is not for the faint of heart, especially if you’re like me and loves food…a lot!!!!

Also, you may need to adjust your feeding window and it may take time. I started with 16:8 and failed miserably. I played with times, I adjusted and readjusted so many times. You’ll need to do that to find the window that’s right for you.

Once you are in intermittent fasting and doing well, you can move on to doing a full 24 hour fast. You can learn more about that here.

Have you had success with intermittent fasting or are you new to it and looking forward to it? Let me know in the comments below.